About me

Hello there, my name is Jelle and I am 24 years old. I graduated as a User Experience Designer (Associate Degree) from Fontys College of ICT. In my work I prefer talking to end-users to find out what really helps them.

Take my graduation project for example. I talked with students with autism and AD(H)D to find out their wants, needs and wishes when it comes to their education and combined my insights from research to translate them to a prototype.

With my ability to empathize with others and my methodical/analytical skills I am looking for opportunities to work as a user experience designer or another career where I can identify customer wishes and/or convert them into advice or usable solutions. I prefer to work in a team because I believe you get further if you exchange ideas and build on each other’s strengths.

Outside of work I have a passion for everything fantasy related when it comes to video games, books and even metal music where I can identify with people, feelings and concepts to further expand my knowledge about myself and the world. Especially when it comes to a technology like virtual reality, of which I closely follow trends and new developments, these experiences can be greatly enhanced.

Did I peak your interest? Let’s get to know each other with a refreshing glass of water or a good cup of tea!